February 14
Valentine's Day Menu
Vintersalat med Burrata fra Winther Ysteri & granateple
Winter salad with Burrata from Winther Ysteri & pomegranate
M, N, SU
First course
Norsk Skrei med blåskjellsaus & kål
Norwegian “Skrei” cod, Cabbage & mussel sauce
F, M, MO, C
Second course
Andebryst fra Holte Gård, ediver & blodappelsin
Duck breast from Holte gård, endives & blood orange
Sjokoladehjerte med hvit sjokolade & bringebær
Chocolate heart with white chocolate & raspberry
M, E, G
3 course 795,- (Includes appetizer, second course and dessert)
4 course 945,-